Last Updated on 14/09/2024

Households Fuels

Kerosene and LPG

NRL markets bulk and packed LPG as well as Kerosene to Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL).

Specification of LPG - (View)

Specification of Kerosene - (View)

Ex- MI Price of Automotive fuels as on 01.12.2020

Product Name Selling Unit Numaligarh Siliguri Published on
LPG Commercial MT 37344.95 NA 01.12.2020
LPG Domestic MT 35395.75 NA 01.12.2020

Contact us:

Shri RMW Khongwir, Chief General Manager (Marketing)

122A, NRL Centre, Christian Basti,

GS Road, Guwahati, Assam-781005

Mobile: 9435732519

E-Mail: rangkisan.khongwir[at]nrl[dot]co[dot]in